Single Subject Math, Science, Art, Music, Dance, Theatre, or World Language Intern Program Course Descriptors
SS 208: Seminar Off to a Good Start
Candidates will participate in this seminar shortly before the school year begins as they take instructional planning, assessment design, and classroom management plans and refine them as needed to apply to the context of their full-time teaching assignment.
SS 211: Science Instruction for Secondary Students
The goal of the course is to help candidates investigate and explore current issues in science education as well as learn to plan and implement science instruction aligned with the state-adopted K-12 academic content standards for students in Science (Grades 7-12). The course will focus on the role of the teacher, but always with reference to the ways in which teachers interact with students to create positive classroom environments that foster inquiry and promote meaningful learning.
SS 212: Secondary Mathematics Pedagogy
This course provides the opportunity for the candidate to learn specific strategies that provide effective mathematics instruction. Coursework and fieldwork focus on the implementation of these strategies in effective lesson planning and delivery in relationship to the state-adopted academic content standards, frameworks, and instructional materials. The candidate will have an opportunity to engage in real-life mathematics problems and learn how to provide a safe environment for students to take intellectual risks and persevere in problem solving. The course also provides the candidate the opportunity to examine and develop various assessment systems.
SS 204: Maintaining an Effective Learning Environment
Candidates will further their understanding of developing relationships with students and parents as a foundation for productive classroom environments. Candidates will review and refine their classroom procedures, rules, consequences, and routines to help them develop classrooms that concentrate on learning. Candidates will also learn what legal restrictions exist in terms of student discipline and the teacher’s legal responsibilities in terms of safety. Candidates will further their understanding of culturally proficient practices in this class.
SS 205: Meeting the Needs of English Learners
Candidates will develop a thorough understanding of the laws related to English learners, assessments for language development, appropriate instructional strategies using the SIOP model as well as lesson design and delivery for English learners. This class will satisfy the requirements for the CTEL authorization. Candidates will further their understanding of culturally proficient practices in this class.
SS 206 A: Classroom Interventions for the Special Needs Student
Candidates will refine their understanding of the instructional strategies and methods that are most helpful in teaching students with special needs. Candidates will examine concepts of modification and accommodation, of differentiating instruction, using the Grid of Nine to develop adaptations, and disability etiquette and awareness.
SS 202: Learning Theory for Adolescents
This class will build on the course 102 and provide candidates with additional information on developmental needs of adolescent learners as well as general learning theory and cultural proficiency aspects. Candidates will learn aspects of information processing complex cognitive processes, social constructivist approaches, and the role of high expectations, motivation, and addressing student achievement problems. Candidates will further their understanding of culturally proficient practices in this class.
SS 203: Lesson Planning for Learning
This class will build on the foundational knowledge about instructional strategies in ED 103 and focus on the application of high quality first instruction and research-based instructional strategies to their classes. Candidates will maintain a working portfolio of lesson plans and reflections on the effectiveness of their lesson design and utilization of classroom instructional strategies. Candidates will also learn how to develop and implement group instruction and design homework that helps students with the content learning in their classrooms. This course will be closely linked to the learning in the subject-specific pedagogy classes.
SS 231: Seminar in TPA 1
Candidates will fully understand the expectations of TPA 1, including the tasks, passing scores and expectations for submission for assessment, as well as any remedial action if necessary.
SS 201: Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading
Candidates will focus on creating formative assessments in their classes and grading systems for their classrooms. Candidates will learn the structural components of formative assessments, design formative assessments for implementation in their classrooms, and examine how performance on these formative assessments leads to grades. Candidates will also refine their grading systems based on the context of their schools and assignments in order to create a system that reflects student learning.
SS 232: Seminar in TPA 2
Candidates will review components of TPA 2, including a review of the TPEs reflected in this assessment. Candidates will review the topics in TPA 2, including the five steps in the written task, as well as the required submission documents for each of the five steps. Candidate questions will be addressed regarding this assessment.
SS 207: Enhancing Instruction with Technology
The goal of this course is for candidates to continue their exploration of a wide variety of computer-based technology for both professional and instructional use. This course provides a practical, hands-on look at the possibilities and potentials of computer technology for education. This course will be delivered using a combination of face-to-face and online sessions.
SS 206 B: Instructional Supports for the Special Needs Student
Candidates will further their understanding of the special needs students by understanding response to intervention, dealing with complex student behavior problems, modifications for high-stakes testing, the use of assistive technology, and dealing with health issues and invasive procedures.
SS 210: Content Based Reading/Language Arts
Candidates will learn how to use existing materials and lesson design templates to incorporate the appropriate reading/language arts standards and skills, learn the research regarding effective literacy instruction, how to apply content-based literacy strategies in comprehension, vocabulary, discussion and classroom discourse and in writing, how to assess student learning and how to develop lesson plans to include the range of learner in the classroom.
SS 233: Seminar in TPA 3
Candidates will review components of TPA 3, including a review of the TPEs reflected in this assessment. Candidates will review the six-step set of questions to guide the selection, planning, implementation and analysis of evidence of student learning, as well as the required submission documents for this assessment. Candidate questions will be addressed regarding this assessment.
SS 221: Supportive, Healthy Environments for Learning
This course focuses on the resources—site, district, county and state—available to teachers to help them understand the challenges students face in schools as well as the responsibilities teachers have in dealing with these challenges. Candidates will examine resources related to depression, anxiety, alcohol, drugs and tobacco, families under stress, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) students, common communicable diseases, nutrition, and bullying. Candidates will have an opportunity to work individually, online and in groups to develop an understanding of the resources available to teachers to help with these issues.
SS 222: Education in America: Mirrors of the Past
Candidates will learn the historical foundations of the American education system, the major education philosophers and the influence on contemporary schools, the role of European influences on American public schools, historic and contemporary challenges in dealing with poverty, race, ethnicity and gender, and how legal precedents continually shape contemporary classroom practice.
SS 234: Seminar in TPA 4
Candidates will review components of TPA 4, including a review of the TPE’s reflected in this assessment. Candidates will demonstrate their ability to design a lesson based on state-adopted academic content standards, implement the lesson, appropriately use class time and instructional resources, meet the differing needs of individuals within the class, manage instruction and student interaction, assess student learning, and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson. Candidates will review the deadlines for submitting TPA 4, as well as the required submission documents. Candidate questions will be addressed regarding this assessment.